Saturday, February 12, 2011

Taco Party

Mike loooooooves tacos. I mean, he LOOOOOOOOVES tacos. I came up with the idea to make him a taco cake awhile ago. Then he said he wanted to have a taco cart at his birthday party this year. Perfect!

I just finished the cake...

I lovelovelove this cake! And the best part? Mike loves it, too!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bake a Cake

My mom, sister and I helped host Mike's cousin's baby shower on Saturday. We were in charge of food, prizes and of course the cake. His cousin calls me Angie Bake a Cake. My mom is Mother Bake a Cake and my sis is Sister Bake a Cake. haha

The theme for her shower was baby animals with purple and green colors. I took the animals from her invitation and made them as fondant toppers. Around the cake I put purple and green polka dots.

Matching cupcakes.

An up-close look at the toppers.

Punk Rock Baby

One of my good friend's sister hit me up to make a cake for a baby shower she was hosting. Her friend was having a boy and wanted a punk rock themed cake. I found a girly one online and just changed the color scheme to blues.

Skulls and argyle!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Purple and Green

I had three baby shower cakes this past weekend and two of them had the same color theme. That made things easy when coloring fondant! haha The first one was for Mike's cousin. She was hosting a baby shower. She wanted something simple with flowers and polka dots. Voilà!

Mission of Doom

When it comes to Invader Zim Gir is obviously the most popular character. He's my favorite! But it's nice to give some of the other characters some love every now and then. This was a cake I made a couple weeks ago featuring Gir and Zim. I tried to turn this pic into a cake:

I think the cake turned out well! My favorite part is Gir eating part of the cake.

Protecting the Galaxy One Cake at a Time

I love making Toy Story cakes! And I love making cakes that take elements from something without having to be so obvious about what kind of cake it is.

This is a Buzz Lightyear cake I made for a co-worker. She provided the topper so that's why it looks plain on top.

The Building Game

I don't have any children yet, so I don't know what's hip with the kids. A co-worker asked if I had ever made a ROBLOX cake. Huh!? Apparently it's a online building game for kids. They kind of look like LEGOS. Her step-son is really into it and his birthday was coming up. I did a little research and found this ROBLOX birthday dance party potion:

What does it mean? I have no clue. But I do know that I could make a cake that looked like it! I added a little ROBLOX character on the front.