A former co-worker emailed me last week with the most amazing opportunity! His friend works production on
Dexter and she was looking to order some cupcakes for the first table reading for season 6. My former co-worker had shown her the
Dexter cupcakes I had made before and she wanted me to make them. Ahhhhhhhhhh! *dies*
Dexter is one of my favorite shows, so I was beyond excited.
So I made "blood" splatted cupcakes with knife, syringe and Dexter logo toppers. And a few of the cupcakes spelled out "Season 6."

I delivered these yesterday to the studio. I got to walk by the set and wardrobe. Eek! And the table reading room had scripts for the first episode of season 6 on the table. I wanted to peek so bad!! The cast was supposed to arrive an hour later, so I didn't get to meet any of them. :/ Buuuut the production lady said they're probably going to ask me to make the wrap party cake! Ahhhhhh! *dies again* I told the lady I hope they enjoy the cupcakes and she said "Oh, they're gonna love them. Michael C. Hall is gonna eat those cupcakes. The whole cast is!" *dies again*
Best cupcake/cake order ever.