So I made "blood" splatted cupcakes with knife, syringe and Dexter logo toppers. And a few of the cupcakes spelled out "Season 6."

I delivered these yesterday to the studio. I got to walk by the set and wardrobe. Eek! And the table reading room had scripts for the first episode of season 6 on the table. I wanted to peek so bad!! The cast was supposed to arrive an hour later, so I didn't get to meet any of them. :/ Buuuut the production lady said they're probably going to ask me to make the wrap party cake! Ahhhhhh! *dies again* I told the lady I hope they enjoy the cupcakes and she said "Oh, they're gonna love them. Michael C. Hall is gonna eat those cupcakes. The whole cast is!" *dies again*
Best cupcake/cake order ever.
how cool!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE Dexter & your cupcakes look fab!