Thursday, January 28, 2010

Nautical Nonsense

Another co-worker hit me up for a cake this week. She wanted one for her step-son who's into Bionicles and SpongeBob SquarePants. She didn't know what he liked more, so she wanted to double check and then get back to me. Thankfully, he likes SpongeBob more! I love SpongeBob.

I've already made a SpongeBob cake before. It was in the shape of him. See below:

I wanted to do something different this time. I found this candle at Michaels and created a nautical scene around it. Woot!

Slumber Party

The theme for this month's DWC birthday party is Slumber Party. I'm not a big fan of this theme, mostly because I had a hard time thinking of something cool for the cake. I asked my Twitter homies and they gave me some great ideas. I had big plans for this cake, but then I got two cake orders for the same day and this one ended up on the back burner. My mom helps me with the DWC cakes. She usually bakes them and frosts them, so I had to wait for her to finish that, which didn't give me tons of time.

This is a simplified version of what I had planned. Two girls in blankets, pizza, soda, popcorn, a magazine and a boom box. All the essentials for a slumber party!

Bake the Books

One of my co-workers is in a book club. Nerd alert! Just kidding. =) I'm not a huge reader, but I have phases where I read a few books in a row. I used to say I "hate" reader, but that's not true. I hate when reading is a requirement, like for school. When it's for fun, I'm all about it. I wish I had more time to read. I could probably make the time.

Anyways, this book club is celebrating its anniversary today, so my co-worker asked if I would make a cake. She wanted two books piled on each other, the club's favorite and least favorite books. I've made a pile o' books cake before, which was huge, so I thought a smaller one would be easy squeezy.

I think because a book is a fairly simple design, it's harder to make it look fancy schmancy. Well, for me, at least. I've made three book cakes and the Twilight one is the only one I absolutely loved. See below:

Don't get me wrong, I do like how the book club one turned out! Here it is:

It's either going to be my mission to perfect book cakes or I'm never doing one again. haha I haven't decided yet.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Fist-Pumping Good Time

I love Jersey Shore! I wouldn't call it a guilty pleasure, because I'm not ashamed at all. I even yelled "fist pump" at my bar last weekend. I'm a proud fan! haha So of course I made cupcakes for the season finale.

I thought the finale was next week, so these were made in a rush. I think they turned out awesome! My lovely bff @cupcakesncones gave me her Snickers cupcake recipe. Snickers for Snooki! I used green, white and red baking cups to represent Italy's flag. And then made fondant toppers.

Here's all the cupcakes:

Jersey Shore logos and Italy's flag with "G.T.L." written on it. Gym, tan, laundry baby!

Instructions on how to fist pump:

The Situation's abs, Pauly D's hair and Vinny's fedora:

Snooki's favorite snack, pickles, J-WOWW's boobs and Sammi's bff, her hair extensions:

Ronnie is missing. I couldn't think of something that represented him, so he got left out. Sorry Ronnie!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Dark Side of the Cake

I got another order for a Star Wars cake. I think this is my third one. Not surprising, everyone loves Star Wars! When it comes to this theme, cake ideas are endless. There's so many characters and all the movies to work with, so it can be kind of hard to narrow down a design. I did ask what the person's favorite character was and thankfully @JFuPhoLife knew... Darth Vader!

If I had the confidence that it would come out awesome, I would have made a cake in the shape of his mask. But since I wasn't sure I could do it, I decided to use a Darth Vader candle as my centerpiece.

I piped the Imperial logo on top.

Then added stars and the Star Wars logo on the sides.

The candle is super rad. Too bad I can't take credit for making it! haha

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Pumpkin King

One of Mike's best friend's birthday is this week. We're all celebrating by going to our bar tonight. He's probably the number one fan of my chocolate chip cookies and he's gotten me a lot of cake orders, so he totally deserves his very own Angie creation for his birthday.

This is going to be his next tattoo:

So I thought I'd make it into a cake! I had a feeling it was going to be harder than it looked, but I wanted to go for it anyways. You won't know unless you try, right?

To keep it Halloween themed, I made a marble cake with orange and black. Here's the batter in the pan:

I was right. Piping the image was harder than I thought. I think it turned out ok though.

I can't wait to see people's mouths turn black when they eat the cake! haha

Friday, January 15, 2010

Are You Ready for Some Football? Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

I guess last week was a girl week with the princess and diva cakes and this week is a boy one. First I had the Angels "A" cake and now I've got a football-themed one. I was given the "challenge" of making a 3-D football cake for a co-worker's son's first birthday. It wasn't really a challenge though. I found a football-shaped pan at Michaels. I made two cakes with the pan, put them together and voilà I had a 3-D football!

I should make another one of these if I go to a Super Bowl party.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

I'm not into baseball. Actually, I'm not really into sports. I LOVE soccer. I played as a kid and I lovelovelove watching the World Cup. Oh, and the Olympics are cool, too. Other sports don't do it for me. But if I had to pick a favorite baseball team, it would be the Angels. Why? Because they're from Anaheim, aka No Doubt and Disneyland. 'Nuff said.

Anyways, @JFuPhoLife hit me up to make a cake in the shaped of the Angels "A." Cutting the shape was easy. The thing I wasn't looking forward to was coloring the frosting red. Red is THE worst color. Black is bad, too. The Angels logo has a lot of red, so making enough red frosting too some time. It wasn't so bad though. And the cake turned out awesome!


This was a last minute cake. Mike's cousin texted me on Sunday about needing a cake for Monday. Good thing what she wanted was small and easy. And good thing I didn't really have any plans or other cakes to make!

She asked for a giant cupcake decorated "real diva." Zebra print immediately came to mind. This cake would also need some bling, so I added some silver pearl dust. To complete the diva look, I used this tiny tiara and star wands that I got at Party City.

I need to work on my zebra print, but I think this turned out nice. I love this shade of pink!

Pretty Princess

My co-worker's daughter turned one this month. I made her two baby shower cakes last year, so I figured she'd come to me for a birthday cake. I got an invite to the party, but no request to do a cake. What the heck!? So a week before the party, I asked her why I wasn't making the cake. lol She said she wanted to ask me, but didn't want to be a mooch. Nonsense! I love making cakes, especially for kids! Long story short, I got to make the cake. =)

Princess was the theme for the party, so a tiara definitely needed to be involved.

Matching tiara cupcakes.