Friday, January 15, 2010

Are You Ready for Some Football? Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

I guess last week was a girl week with the princess and diva cakes and this week is a boy one. First I had the Angels "A" cake and now I've got a football-themed one. I was given the "challenge" of making a 3-D football cake for a co-worker's son's first birthday. It wasn't really a challenge though. I found a football-shaped pan at Michaels. I made two cakes with the pan, put them together and voilà I had a 3-D football!

I should make another one of these if I go to a Super Bowl party.


  1. haha! this is so good!!even the cuppies are win @ cakes Miss Angie!

  2. Man, if cakes could ship... I've been wanting a Steelers cake for my birthday and you are excellent.
